Classic controller to SNES adapter

An adapter to use Classic controller (and NES/SNES Classic edition controllers) on an original SNES

  •  This product (short cable version)
  •  This product (long cable verson)
  •  SNES side connector
  •  Controller connector
  •  Example supported controller
  •  Example use with wireless receiver
  •  Example supported controllers
  •  Example supported controllers


With this adapter, you can use a Classic controller (or compatible) on an original SNES system. The long SNES cable version can also acts as an extension, perfect for using NES/SNES Classic edition controllers that are known for their short cables. If a long cable is not required, a version of the adapter with a shorter cable is also available.

  • Classic controller supported
  • Classic controller pro supported
  • 8BitDo Wireless controllers (eg: SN30) supported
  • NES and SNES Classic edition controller supported
  • Two cable length options: 3m (approx. 10') or short (approx. 12" / 30cm)
  • Low latency: 4ms max (only ¼ of a frame).
  • Tested on SNES (US edition), Super Famicom (JP), Analogue Super NT, Retro-duo V3, Retron 3
  • Two built-in button mappings
  • Now programmed with firmware 2.0.0

The SNES connector color may vary - It will be either black or gray.


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DescriptionClassic controller to SNES adapter (long cable version)
product picture
DescriptionClassic controller to SNES adapter (short cable version)
product picture

We normally ship within 5 days (excluding week-ends and holidays) after payment.
Prices are in US dollars and are subject to change without notice.

Button mappings

SNES Classic controller
Standard mappingNES mapping
Start Start (+) Start (+)
Select Select (-) Select (-)
DPAD DPAD, Left stick DPAD
L L, Zl
R R, Zr
The NES mapping is meant for playing Mario All Stars with a NES classic edition controller on SNES or for playing with a NES classic edition controller on a NES console (Extra adapter required).

Enable this mapping by holding the A button when connecting the NES controller or turning on the console.

If you have new mapping suggestions, please contact us!

Compatibility list

IMPORTANT: This is not a complete list. If something does not appear here, it simply means that we did not get the chance (or the idea) to test it, or that no one let us know that it works.

Help us improve this page by sending test results by email to

Supported systems

Show list...
ModelTested bySupportedComments
SNES (North american edition)raphnet.Yes
SFC (Japan)raphnet.Yes
SNES (European PAL edition)UserYes
Analogue Super NTraphnet.Yes
Retro duo V3raphnet.Yes
Retron 3raphnet.Yes
Raphnet SNES to USB adapterraphnet.Yes
NES (North american edition)raphnet.YesRequires ADAP-SNES-NES. Hold the A button at power up to enable the NES mapping.

Tested Controllers

Show list...
ModelTested bySupportedComments
Classic controller RVL-005raphnet.Yes
Classic controller pro RVL-005(-02)raphnet.Yes
Classic controller pro (cheap clone)raphnet.Yes
SNES Classic edition controller CLV-202raphnet.Yes
NES Classic edition controller CLV-002raphnet.YesGreat for Mario All Stars on SNES, or for NES (requires ADAP-SNES-NES adapter)
8Bitdo SN30 2.4G Wireless Gamepad for SNES Classic Editionraphnet.Yes
8Bitdo SF30 2.4G Wireless Gamepad for NES Classic Editionraphnet.Yes
8Bitdo N30 2.4G Wireless Gamepad for NES Classic Editionraphnet.Yes
PDP Wired Fight Pad for Wii U (Wario) (085-006)raphnet.Yes
Hori Pokemon Battle Pad for Wii/Wii U (WIU-079)raphnet.Yes
Gamepad Retro, Wired (My Arcade DGUN-2928)raphnet.Yes
Gamepad Retro, Wireless (My Arcade DGUN-2926)raphnet.Yes
Hori Wireless Fighting Commander for SNES ClassicUserYes
Chaining this adapter with raphnet Gamecube/N64/SNES/NES to Wiimote adaptersraphnet.NoNot supported. Does not work, but even if it did, combining adapters increase latency and makes button mapping confusing.
Chaining this adapter together with another controller adapter-Unknown / Not testedNot supported. Many adapters probably won't work, but if they do, combining adapters increase latency and makes button mapping confusing. If you do test an adapter, please let us know know how it goes so we can list it here!


Q: What is the difference between the old version (ADAP-CLASSIC2SNES) and this new version (ADAP-CLX-TO-SNES-V2) ?
A: The form factor has changed (the classic controller connector is now built into the adapter casing) and the firmware has been upgraded to 2.0.0.

Q: How can I tell which firmware version I have?
A: If the product number written on the adapter is ADAP-CLX-TO-SNES-V2, you have firmware 2.0.0 or newer. Otherwise if the cable is black, you have firmware 1.0.2 or newer which supports 8BitDo wireless receivers, otherwise you have an older version.

Q: What are the different firmware versions and their differences?
A: There are two in existence. Firmware 1.0.0 is the original and firmware version 1.0.2 adds support for 8BitDo receivers. Firmware 2.0.0 fixes some problems with 8BitDo receivers.

Q: How can I update the firmware?
A: We are sorry, but the firmware is not currently upgradeable.

Q: What is the color of the cable?
A: The cable is now black. Pictures showing a white cable are old, sorry for the confusion.
