IMPORTANT: This is not a complete list. If something does not appear here, it simply
means that we did not get the chance (or the idea) to test it, or that no one let us know that it works.
Help us improve this page by sending test results by email to
Tested Controllers
Model | Tested by | Supported | Comments |
Classic Controller RVL-005 | raphnet. | Yes | |
Classic Controller Pro RVL-005(-02) | raphnet. | Yes | |
SNES Classic edition controller CLV-202 | raphnet. | Yes | |
NES Classic edition controller CLV-002 | raphnet. | Yes | |
Classic controller Pro clone (no part number) | raphnet. | Yes | |
Generic SNES controller clone (no part number) | raphnet. | Yes | |
8Bitdo SFC30 Pro + Retro Receiver | raphnet. | Partial | Analog joysticks do not work, so this is useless for most N64 games. This is not a limitation of this adapter. 8BitDo should update their firmware to implement the analog axes and make the receiver look like a true Classic Controller. |
Wired Fight Pad model 085-006 (Wario) | raphnet. | Yes | |
Battle Pad, Pikachu (Hori WIU-079(U/E) | raphnet. | Yes | |
Games with Controller Pak support tested
Game/software | Tested by | Supported | Comments |
007 - The World is Not Enough | raphnet. | Yes | |
Blast Corps | User | Yes | |
Bomberman 64 | User | Yes | |
Coupe du Monde 98 | User | Yes | |
Diddy Kong Racing | User | Yes | |
Duke Nukem 64 | User | Yes | |
Extreme-G | User | Yes | |
Gex 64 | User | Yes | |
Holy Magic Century | User | Partial | This game does not detect the Controller Pak at startup but does after a reset. |
International Track & Field Summer Games | User | Yes | |
Mario Kart 64 | raphnet. | Yes | |
Micro Machines 64 Turbo | User | Yes | |
MRC: Multi Racing Championship | User | Partial | This game does not detect the Controller Pak at startup but does after a reset. |
Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon | User | Partial | This game does not detect the Controller Pak at startup but does after a reset. |
Penny Racers | User | Partial | This game does not detect the Controller Pak at startup but does after a reset. |
Perfect Dark | raphnet. | Yes | |
Rayman 2 | User | Yes | |
Shadowgate 64 - Trials Of The Four Towers | raphnet. | Yes | |
Tarzan | User | Yes | |
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater | raphnet. | Yes | |
Top Gear Rally | raphnet. | Yes | |
Turok - Dinausaur Hunter | raphnet. | Yes | |
Virtual Chess 64 | User | Partial | This game does not detect the Controller Pak at startup but does after a reset. |
Wave Race 64 | User | Yes | |
WCW Mayhem | User | Yes | |
Wetrix | User | Yes | |