Q: Can I use more than one raphnet adapter with this plugin?
A: Yes, you can use any combination up to a total of 4 ports. For instance: Four single-player adapters, a pair of dual-player adapters...
Q: I have the combined N64/Gamecube to USB adapter. Can I use a Gamecube controller with this plugin?
A: No. Only N64 controllers are usable beacause N64 games do not support Gamecube controllers.
Q: Can I mix raphnet adapters with other controllers (Xbox, PS3, etc) or non-raphnet adapters and use this plugin?
A: No. The plugin will not work with non-raphnet adapters since the required low-level communication features are missing or different.
Q: Will you ever add Direct Input or XInput support so a mix of raphnet and non-raphnet adapters/controllers can be used?
A: Not likely. This would duplicate a lot of what other plugins already do very well and the complex plugin that would result is not something we are willing to maintain.