VirtualBoyのコントローラをUSBと接続できる基板キット (v2)

This circuit makes a VirtualBoy controller work as a standard USB game controller.

  •  本商品
  •  配線ガイド
  •  配線の例
  •  Example use (mounted on back)
  •  Example use (mounted on back)
  •  Example use (mounted on back)
  •  Example use (inline project box - not included)
  •  Example use (inline project box - not included)
  •  Windows 10も対応
  •  アダプター設定ツール


This circuit makes it possible to use a Virtual Boy controller on a computer with an USB port. The circuit is small and can be used in many ways. For instance:
  • You can install it on the back of the controller, where the battery box normally goes.
  • If you have a battery box, you can probably fit the board inside.
  • You can cut the controller cable, wire it to the board, and then put the board in a small project box.
  • If you happen to have a suitable controller port from a broken Virtual Boy, you can build a standalone adapter.
  • If you cut some plastic, the board can probably be installed inside the controller!

  • Supports original Virtual Boy controllers.
  • No drivers required. Implements a standard USB HID device.
  • Works under Linux, MacOS X and Windows 10 (32/64 bit).
  • Low latency - Maximum polling frequency of 1000 Hz. (1ms intervals)
  • Updateable firmware
  • Supported by the raphnet adapter manager.
Wiring notes: Some Virtual Boy controllers have a blue wire instead of green. The red wire is not used. If you notice any other differences, please contact us before continuing.



在庫あり : 通常3日以内発送
品名VirtualBoyのコントローラをUSBと接続できる基板キット (v2)



How to test your USB adapters and controllersページへ移動
