Dreamcast controller to USB adapter (v2)

Use a Dreamcast controller, arcade stick, racing controller, keyboard or mouse on a PC with an USB port.

  •  This product
  •  Dreamcast Connector
  •  Example use (Standard controller)
  •  Example use (Arcade stick)
  •  Example use (Keyboard)
  •  Example use (Mouse)
  •  Example use (Striker DC)
  •  Example use (Racing controller)
  •  Packaging (front)
  •  Packaging (back)


This adapter makes it possible to use a Dreamcast controller on a computer. Simply connect the controller to the adapter, and the USB cable to your computer.

  • Supported controllers: Standard controllers, arcade controllers, racing controllers, keyboard, and mouse.
  • Supports some 3rd party controllers such as the StrikerDC by Retro Fighters.
  • 3 Operating modes: HID Joystick, HID Keyboard, or HID Mouse. (see FAQ below)
  • Low latency: 1ms USB polling and (minimum) 1ms controller polling interval.
  • Works under Windows, Linux and MacOS X.
  • Updateable firmware.
What's included:
  • 1 Dreamcast controller to USB adapter.
  • 1 USB Cable.
This adapter is built using advXarch technology for low latency and has an updatable firmware.


Buy here

Out of stock

A new batch is planned for March 2025.

Item #ADAP-DC-USB_v2
DescriptionDreamcast controller to USB adapter
1$29.99 Each
2+$28.49 Each (5% OFF)

We normally ship within 5 days (excluding week-ends and holidays) after payment.
Prices are in US dollars and are subject to change without notice.

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Local alternatives to ordering directly from raphnet. Potentially faster or easier (no customs) delivery. Service in other languages and additional payment methods may also be available.
  • GamePalace
    (Based in Sweden. Ships internationally)

Resellers are free to set a price that makes sense for them and their target market. Not all resellers may have inventory at the moment. Resellers are listed in a random order.

Compatibility list

IMPORTANT: This is not a complete list. If something does not appear here, it simply means that we did not get the chance (or the idea) to test it, or that no one let us know that it works.

Help us improve this page by sending test results by email to support@raphnet-tech.com

Tested Controllers

Show list...
ModelTested bySupportedComments
Standard Controller (Sega HKT-7700)raphnet.Yes
Arcade Controller (Sega HKT-7300)raphnet.Yes
Racing Controller (Sega HKT-7400)raphnet.YesNot tested with pedal attachment.
Neon Genesis Evangelion Mouse (Sega HKT-7900)raphnet.Yes
Japanese Keyboard (Sega HKT-7600)raphnet.Yes
StrikerDC (Retro Fighters )raphnet.Yes
US Dreamcast Keyboard (SK-1502)UserYes
ASCII Pad FT (ASC-1301P)UserYes
Twin Stick (Sega HKT-7500)UserYesAll stick directions and buttons working as buttons
Fishing Controller (Sega)UserYesTurn on the D-pad as axes setting usign the adapter manager.
Advanced Controller (Naki)UserNo
Fission Fishing Controller (Interact)UserNo
Total Control 3UserNo
Innovation Dream Connection IIUserNo
Generic MadCatz controller (part number unknown)UserNo
Jump pack / purupuru packraphnet.NoNot supported. We may try to add support for it in the future.
Memory card / VMUraphnet.NoNot supported. We may try to add support for it in the future, however for technical reasons full support is unlikely. At the moment, the adapter will display the raphnet logo on the LCD if a VMU is detected.
Light gunraphnet.NoNot supported.


Q: Can I use a Dreamcast mouse or keyboard on a computer like a normal mouse or keyboard?
A: Yes! You will need to enable mouse (or keyboard) mode using the adapter manager first (version 2.1.22 or newer required), then it (your mouse or keyboard) will work as a perfectly normal USB keyboard or mouse would.
(Warning: Keyboard mode may not work in your computer BIOS or on some video game consoles which want to communicate using the 'boot protocol' which this adapater does not implement yet.)

Q: What is the difference between the old version (ADAP-DC-USB) and this new version (ADAP-DC-USB_v2) ?
A: The form factor has changed (the USB cable can now be removed) and the electronics were updated for lower latency. Also, more peripherals are supported and the mouse wheel works.

Q: How can I tell which firmware version I have?
A: If the product number written on the adapter is ADAP-DC-USB, you have an old firmware (older than version 2) that cannot be updated. If you have a new adapter, you can use our adapter manager to check the firmware version currently installed.

Q: Is this adapter available in other colors?
A: At the moment the gray Dreamcast cable with the black adapter casing is the only option.

Download(s) & Link(s)

How to test your USB adapters and controllersVisit page

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Product photo

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