NES controller to USB adapter - V2

The latest version of our NES controller to USB adapter, now with advXarch techology.

  •  The adapter
  •  The adapter
  •  Example supported controllers


Playing NES games with an emulator is great, but nothing is better than playing with the original gamepads. This adapter makes it possible to connect a real snes controller to an USB port.

advXarch This adapter is built using advXarch technology.

This is the single-player version of the adapter. See also 2-player version.
The adapter:
  • Standard NES controllers supported (all regions)
  • 100% functional without installing special drivers. Easy to use. (Connects as an USB HID joystick)
  • Works under Linux, Mac OS X and Windows.
  • Updateable firmware.
  • Some aspects of the adapter are configurable.
    • D-Pad can act as buttons or axis
    • Configurable polling rate
  • Each adapter has its own serial number.
  • USB cable included.
  • None! Uses standard drivers included with supported operating systems.
Management tool: (more info)
  • Easy to use user interface able to manage several adapters.
  • Adapter firmware version display
  • Firmware update function.
  • Type of connected controller display
Total Latency information: (more info)
  • Default setting: 6ms
  • Minimum setting: 2ms


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DescriptionNES to USB 1-player adapter V2 (w/advXarch)

We normally ship within 5 days (excluding week-ends and holidays) after payment.
Prices are in US dollars and are subject to change without notice.

Compatibility list

IMPORTANT: This is not a complete list. If something does not appear here, it simply means that we did not get the chance (or the idea) to test it, or that no one let us know that it works.

Help us improve this page by sending test results by email to

Tested Controllers

Show list...
ModelTested bySupportedComments
Standard NES controllers (all regions)raphnet.Yes
NES Advantageraphnet.Yes
NES MAX Controllerraphnet.Yes
Dogbone controller (Nintendo)raphnet.Yes
Quickshot NES stick (SVI SpectraVideo QS-112)raphnet.Yes
NES FourScore (Nintendo)raphnet.No
NES Zapperraphnet.NoCannot be supported by this adapter.

Supported systems

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ModelTested bySupportedComments
PC (Windows, Linux)raphnet.YesThis is what this adapter was designed for.
PS3, PS4, PS5...UserNoBesides the problematic lack of a PS/Home button, buttons (on your controller or guitar) would most likely be incorrect.
Nintendo SwitchUserNoThe Switch does not support any of our USB adapters unfortunately.
Analogue Pocket dockUserNoReported not to work.
Other consoles, mini-consoles, etcUserPartialCould work, but not necessarily very usable, unless the system offers a way to map buttons. Please let us know!

Download(s) & Link(s)

Adapter management/update toolsView
How to test your USB adapters and controllersVisit page

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The latest version of our SNES controller to USB adapter, now with advXarch techology.

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