IMPORTANT: This is not a complete list. If something does not appear here, it simply
means that we did not get the chance (or the idea) to test it, or that no one let us know that it works.
Help us improve this page by sending test results by email to
Tested Controllers
Model | Tested by | Supported | Comments |
Standard NES controllers (all regions) | raphnet. | Yes | |
NES Advantage | raphnet. | Yes | |
NES MAX Controller | raphnet. | Yes | |
Dogbone controller (Nintendo) | raphnet. | Yes | |
Quickshot NES stick (SVI SpectraVideo QS-112) | raphnet. | Yes | |
NES FourScore (Nintendo) | raphnet. | No | |
NES Zapper | raphnet. | No | Cannot be supported by this adapter. |
Supported systems
Model | Tested by | Supported | Comments |
PC (Windows, Linux) | raphnet. | Yes | This is what this adapter was designed for. |
PS3, PS4, PS5... | User | No | Besides the problematic lack of a PS/Home button, buttons (on your controller or guitar) would most likely be incorrect. |
Nintendo Switch | User | No | The Switch does not support any of our USB adapters unfortunately. |
Analogue Pocket dock | User | No | Reported not to work. |
Other consoles, mini-consoles, etc | User | Partial | Could work, but not necessarily very usable, unless the system offers a way to map buttons. Please let us know! |