Q: Does this adapter support rumble/vibration?
A: Not yet, but it will be available in a future firmware version.
Q: Why are only 3 of the 4 ports on the multitap supported?
A: Due to technical limitation (maximum number of USB endpoints in the chip the adapter uses). But we have a workaround for this that will be part of a future firmware.
Q: Can I connect more than one adapter to the same PC?
A: Yes, as many as you want, within the limitations of your OS and USB bus topology.
Q: Is the neGcon fully supported?
A: Yes. The two analog buttons (I and II), the left trigger and the twist axis are all reported as analog axis. The D-Pad functions as buttons.
Q: How can I use the memory card read/write functionality?
A: We wrote a short guide:
PSX memory card operations.
Q: Are the DualShock2 pressure sensitive buttons supported?
A: Not at the moment, but we could support them with a future firmware. Please let us know if you are interested.
Q: Are PS2 memory cards supported? Will they be supported in the future?
A: No, PS2 memory cards are not supported. Maybe it could be done, but unfortunately we do not have any information on how PS2 memory cards communicate.